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Saturday, July 25, 2009

What's Hot: Love is in the Air! ¡El amor está en el aire!

Today I went to my friends Marlen and Samual's wedding! It was such a beautiful and exciting event, to witness my friends get married! Marlen was soooo beautiful and happy! Everyone in that room could see the love that they had for each other! This couple is young too! Marlen is 22 , while Sam is 21! I think it is beautiful how Sam found the women of his dreams and Marlen found her Prince Charming! Also, the wedding was soo cool because it was in English and spanish! Marlen's family is of Mexican decent, so for some of her family to understand, they needed an interpreter! Take a look at the pictures from their wedding, and see what I wore to this exciting event!

¡Fui hoy a mis amigos Marlen y a la boda de Samual! ¡Era tal hermoso y el acontecimiento emocionante, atestiguar a mis amigos consigue casado! ¡Marlen era soooo hermoso y feliz! ¡Cada uno en ese sitio podría ver el amor que tenían para uno a! ¡Este par es joven también! ¡Marlen es 22, mientras que Sam es 21! ¡Pienso es hermoso cómo Sam encontró que las mujeres de sus sueños y Marlen encontraron a su príncipe el encantar! ¡También, la boda era soo fresco porque estaba en inglés y español! ¡El familia de Marlen está de decente mexicano, así que para algo de su familia a entender, necesitaron a un intérprete! ¡Heche una ojeada los cuadros de su boda, y vea lo que desgasté a este acontecimiento emocionante!


  1. WHAT UP YOUNG FRESH TO DEATH!! Comcast cant come hook up my internet until the 8th so I finally was able to jack someone elses internet signal lol. This is so cool tho, these are the first pics we have seen! I see u got the cake face shot too lol U can smash come cake in your future husbands face next loll I give it 1-3 years tops. Its soo great, youre gonna love it!! Alright then sis,, see you Sunday.... and I turned 22 June 3, shes not older anymore ! peace

  2. and I aint know u knew spanish like that!! Dang!!
